Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Time for another tea party! says Joram!


“Once again,” he says, “it is time for a tea party!”

When a very small, in stature not heart, group of colonists got fed up with the constant taxation by a Powerful (the most powerful in the world at that time) government, they banded together and decided it was time to take a stand. In a show of contempt and displeasure, they poured a shipment of tea into the Boston harbour to send a message to the British government: they were not going to take England’s abuse anymore! The colonists did not know what abuse was, as it turns out. Americans’ today are being abused in too many ways to count: we are being robbed of our rights, our jobs, our dollars, and our faith in our government, those men and women we have elected to protect our rights, dollars, jobs, etc.!

We all know that the Boston Tea Party was the inaugural incident that resulted in the birth of our nation and came to pass when our colonists’ words failed to stop their abuse by Kind George. Kind George, like all tyrannts, monopolies, and bullies, was ruled by his insatiable greed. Bullies and tyrants and monopolies will stop their abuse (when abuse spells profit) only when they are made to stop! Their language is not one of love or compassion, concern for their fellow man; their language, the only one they understand, is the dollar/profit/loss! To communicate with them, therefore, we must communicate in their language. And, as the colonists demonstrated, when words fail, only actions send the message!

Our colonists, Joram notes, without benefit of the most powerful tool mankind and democracy has ever known, the internet, managed to end their abuse and in so doing to birth America. Today with this tool that we tap away on each day, we can communicate with Exxon-Mobil Oil: we can do this by SPREADING THE WORD!

JORAM IS THUS CALLING FOR A BOYCOTT OF EXXON-MOBIL OIL OVER THE MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND! and I fervently support his call for a boycott of Exxon-Mobil gas stations for just three days over the Memorial Day Weekend. This is one of their most profitable weekends of the year! Rather than just enjoying the fact that schools are out and that this weekend kicks off a huge flurry of road trips, facts that greatly enrich this industry, they must go beyond mere wonderful profit - they must rob us! Yes, they are gearing up by raising the price at the pumps to all-time highs. Get ready... the price of a barrel closed yesterday, 5/5/08, at 122. Never in history has a company so blatantly robbed/abused those who buy their product!

LET US, as JORAM ADVICES, COMMUNICATE WITH EXXON-MOBIL OIL IN THE ONLY LANGUAGE THEY UNDERSTAND, DOLLARS/PROFIT/LOSS! LET US BOYCOTT THEM FOR 3 DAYS and give them a kick in the arse of around 1 billion dollars, the profit it anticipates realizing over this three- day weekend!


Pass this communication on to everyone in your email directory, this message that will do more than let Exxon-Mobil Oil know we are tired of being abused; it will also let this oil-based government know we we have had enough and that we count for more than votes on election day!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

HOMELAND SECURITY - Here to Protect you from the Terrorists!

I just have to ask...

I pose this question to loyal fans of this president and his news service, FOX:

How can your loyalty endure WHEN:

** not just the FDA and EPA, but every agency created to protect Americans from corporate greed has been made toothless under his administration,

** unknown numbers of people, Americans included, are being seriously harmed by FDA-approved genetically modified foods, the same foods that produced life-threatening diseases when it was fed to animals in laboratories?

** your president has allowed the development and now the dissemination of genetically-modified seeds that do not themselves yield other seeds so that in time all seeds must be purchased, every growing season, from the owners of the genetically modified seeds, the Gates Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, Monsanta Corporation, etc.

** we are being killed by dangerous prescription drugs and devices rubber-stamped by an FDA, an agency your president has rendered toothless and the courts have granted the manufacturers immunity because the FDA approved them: implanted defibrilators, for instance?

** Americans must do without food to pay power bills?

** Americans must choose between paying their rent/mortgage and eating?

** we have to choose between buying food and paying our auto insurance premiums and our doctor bills?

** prescribed drugs are killing people and yet these drugs are not pulled from the shelves until, as in the case of Merck's Vioxx (FDA approved in 1999), 20,000 have died? (Even after paying off all the pesky lawsuits, they will come out way ahead. The revenue on that one defective drug alone netted Merck billions! What are 20,000 deaths when billions are at stake?)

** BigPharma has bought enough of our representatives and senators to ensure passage of CODEX, a program outlawing the purchase of vitamins and minerals without a doctor's prescription (and even with a prescription the minimal mandated dosages ensure that the public will not benefit from the nutrient?) They cannot make a profit on well people!

** twelve-year-old school girls continue to die as a result of Merck’s and Glaxo’s generous contributions to politicians, contributions generous enough to ensure passage of a law in 16 states requiring their innoculation with their HPV vaccine - that may protect them against two of the 100 viruses that cause cervical cancer, a vaccine that has already killed three young girls in the year it has been on the market and harmed an unknown number!!!!!

** when parents are no longer able to protect their children against not just the single law cited above, but any law that Merck, Glaxo, and any other pharmaceutical company is able to purchase from our legislators with their billions of dollars - dollars we give them every time we purchase one of their drugs?

FINALLY, will your faith in this man's administration of our country and Fox News' coverage of that administration (which has not included a single one of the above-cited accomplishments of your president) still be intact? Will it?

While the dollars we earn are worth less each day, this president, your president, with the support of both Republican and Democrats in the House and Senate, is spending $338 MILLION A DAY, BORROWED MONEY that we can never hope to repay, to:

** kill Iraqi’s (men, women, and children),

** purposefully target and bomb their hospitals,

** purposefully destroy or pollute their drinking water,

** target and bomb their power stations (thereby sentencing to death babies in incubators, the sick who cannot live without dialysis and artificial life support, etc.),

** kill and maim our own men and women in uniform in his manufactured, unjust war, by protecting contractors whose inferior equipment subjects them to unnecessary risks, risks born of his and their greed, men and women in uniform whom he rewards by proposing a drastic cut in funding for their 2009 medical expenses, a year when the number of veterans is expected to increase 26 percent!

** reward corporations (to the tune of billions of dollars) in which he and/or his vice president have financial interests!

Tell us, you loyal fans of Bush and Fox News, can you, how you justify the unbelievable profits being enjoyed by the oil companies (the largest in history!) since your president began his war, while we pay $3.00 plus a gallon for fuel, or pay power bills that have increased to the point where we have to cross item after item off our grocery lists or dip into our rent or mortgage money or money we reserved to pay our insurance premiums or our doctors? CAN YOU?

Tell us, will you, how you justify your president spending $338 billion each day on KILLING, CRIPPLING, AND DESTROYING when that money would:

** provide health care for all Americans,

** support the school lunch programs he wants to eliminate,

** provide funds for scholarships and grants

** build literally hundreds of thousands of homes for Americans,

** finance the building of manufacturing plants (which by law should not be permitted to outsource anything except products!), to help rebuild the American economy that he has managed to dismantle,

** build new bridges, highways, public buildings,

** create mass transit systems in all our major cities thereby lessening our dependence on oil,

** pay for research that will enable us to meet the coming challenges of global warming,

Can you look us in the eye and justify your undying loyalty to this president who considers the RIGHT TO TORTURE more important than the RIGHT TO LIVE or the RIGHT TO CONSTITUTIONAL PROTECTIONS, rights that many Americans have given their lives to defend!

Explain to us your loyalty to a president who lives for the day when critics of his leadership and agendas can be instantly silenced by legislation and executive orders laws he has long had in place for that day.

---laws that give him the power and control of a totalitarian dictator, the power and control of the God you worship?

---laws that permit torture and other abuses so terrible that they will keep most men silent when they see their neighbor taken away in the dead of night - for fear that they will be next? Can you?

Will you. fans of this president and his propaganda mill, FOX News, celebrate with him when he realizes his dream, when he replaces our Constitution with his “NEW AMERICAN CONSTITUTION,” a necessity, he will tell us, in that the former Constitution with its troublesome Bill of Rights and Amendments guaranteeing the terrorists freedom of speech, freedom from arrest without probable cause, the right to know the crime they are charged with, the right to be represented by counsel, all those rights and the many others that hindered our WAR ON TERROR. Will you?

Thursday, February 14, 2008

The leader of evil men and women...

Men and women all over the world have a stake in what is happening in America. This is the moment in time when the leader of the evil forces has in place on his chessboard his pawns (our political leaders whom we recognize by their votes to eliminate our liberty), pawns who have worked hard to take away our rights, one bill and act at a time, and now the evil man stands ready to strike, to kill the one thing without which humans cannot survive: Liberty! For his coup to succeed, however, we must all remain in place, immobile, for if we, his opposing pawns, move, his coup will fail! To achieve our immobility, he is employing the fear that characterizes Fascism!

It seems unbelievable that one power-driven evil man and his pawns are plotting to bring down an entire nation, first, and then the world! History shows us that there have always been evil men - but, the evil man plotting our downfall is the most ambitious and ruthless evil man the world has ever known!

Why, when he is rich beyond a normal man's comprehension and we all know that money IS power? Well, he craves more power than his virtually limitless money can buy him. He craves absolute power in the same way the crack addict craves his drug! He craves the power to control not just our country but the entire planet and eventually the stars and then the entire universe! His lust for absolute power has long driven him; it is what keeps him going, what haunts his dreams, and though he cannot see it, it is also what enslaves him!

He has used his pawns, our president and certain of our senators and congresspersons (the ones who, like him, are governed by their greed for the riches and power with which he rewards them) to institute a Fascist government because he knows that his desire cannot be realized, cannot possibly succeed, as long as men and women are free to speak out, to demonstrate, to vote!

Fascism, to be successful, must engender fear in the populace. That is why the evil man chose to change our country from a democracy to a fascist country. It is the tool he has chosen to utilize in his quest to take over the world, one country at a time. He knows that fear prevents men from speaking aloud, from acting according to their conscience, from saying "No!" as other men, women, and children are arrested, detained, tortured, and finally, killed. Fear keeps the populace paralyzed, immobile.

He is cunning, the evil man, and watchful. During the Sixties, when Americans were willing to fight for their rights, he sat back and plotted. When he saw that Americans had changed, that his programs to make them feel they were powerless to stop the evil they were starting to identify had succeeded, he put his plan into action.

His pawns, our president and those of our political leaders whose souls he owns, sit in place on his chessboard, ready to strike - at us! Success will be his, however, only as long as we, the opposing pawns, sit trembling, absolutely still and hardly breathing! When we pawns start fighting back, speaking out, removing his pawns from office, challenging his pawns when they take away our rights by passing laws that give the evil man total control over us, his coup will fail!

We have been programmed to feel powerless but, In fact, we are not powerless. When we realize that, the cunning and observant evil man and his pawns will head for the hills, their tails between their legs!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Sometimes it just seems a little much, what humans have to put up with in order to stay alive!

Think about it! How much of what you do every day is done for the joy of doing it? Think then of how much time and/or energy you spend every day hustling to either put out fires or prevent them. It's possible others do not walk the walk that I do, but I wonder if my life is not pretty damn typical of what it is like to exist in this world when you are not rich or a genius or a winner of a Miss America Pageant or a NFL quarterback, movie star, or, heaven forbid, one of those rich senators or representatives of ours who is stealing us blind by selling us down the road to lobbyists, who make them rich! Oh well, hell!

Anyway, I try to think positive - yes, I do. Sometimes, though, all my trying just doesn't cut it.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Neither Senators nor Congressmen hear us! I think they will hear this - if you also hear it and act!




I Demand, by signing this Petition, that my U.S. representatives and senator(s) who voted for the war in Iraq each serve as a noncommissioned officer in a front line infantry division for 30 days on a rotation basis whereby when one member of the House or Senate completes his 30-day tour, another member shall begin a 10-day Basic Training Session to be followed immediately by his 30-day tour in Iraq - until all members of both the House and the Senate have served their 30 days in combat.

If after one complete rotation of all members of both the House and Senate the war is still in progress, this schedule will repeat and repeat, ad infinitum, until the war ends.

This opportunity for our U.S. Representatives and Senators to serve their country, to risk their lives fighting in Iraq as they have asked others Americans, many of them not yet 21 years old, to risk their lives fighting in Iraq should make our Congressmen and Senators proud! They will be richer for knowing first hand what the privileged rarely have the opportunity to know: how it feels to kill men, women, and children whom they have labeled our enemies and how it feels to know that these so-labeled enemies are trying to kill them!

This time they spend fighting a war they have voted for and supported by their and our taxes, to the point of bankrupting our country, should be regarded by them as a privilege from which they will not be excused under any circumstances short of a stroke or heart attack or other seriously critical health condition which can be independently verified by examination by a physician of the people’s choosing. A schedule of 30-day rotations of tours in Iraq is to be prepared so that the business of the House and Senate will not be interrupted.

Our leaders shall be given 10 days of basic training in the use of weaponry that they will be using in Iraq, which ten days will immediately precede their 30-day tours of duty in Iraq.

By signing this Petition you, an American citizen 17 years of age or older, are communicating that this rule shall, upon the collection of 1,000,000 signatures, become a law which shall govern all present and future wars (or any hostilities which require that our soldiers use weapons) in which our U.S. Representatives and Senators involve our country.

This Petition will be presented to all members of the House and Senate upon the collection of the 1,000,000 signatures and scheduling of the 30-day tours of duty in Iraq for all members of the House and Senate who voted for the war shall immediately commence at that time.

Failure by any member of the House or Senate to abide by this demand on behalf of the American citizenry shall result in the loss of the elective office held by the guilty party.

Any guilty party shall thus, upon refusal to serve in Iraq, immediately retire from his or her position in the House/Senate upon the collection of 25,000 signatures on a separate Petition signed by 25,000 constituents of their state, 17 years of age or older, irrespective of petitioners’ political party.