Thursday, February 14, 2008

The leader of evil men and women...

Men and women all over the world have a stake in what is happening in America. This is the moment in time when the leader of the evil forces has in place on his chessboard his pawns (our political leaders whom we recognize by their votes to eliminate our liberty), pawns who have worked hard to take away our rights, one bill and act at a time, and now the evil man stands ready to strike, to kill the one thing without which humans cannot survive: Liberty! For his coup to succeed, however, we must all remain in place, immobile, for if we, his opposing pawns, move, his coup will fail! To achieve our immobility, he is employing the fear that characterizes Fascism!

It seems unbelievable that one power-driven evil man and his pawns are plotting to bring down an entire nation, first, and then the world! History shows us that there have always been evil men - but, the evil man plotting our downfall is the most ambitious and ruthless evil man the world has ever known!

Why, when he is rich beyond a normal man's comprehension and we all know that money IS power? Well, he craves more power than his virtually limitless money can buy him. He craves absolute power in the same way the crack addict craves his drug! He craves the power to control not just our country but the entire planet and eventually the stars and then the entire universe! His lust for absolute power has long driven him; it is what keeps him going, what haunts his dreams, and though he cannot see it, it is also what enslaves him!

He has used his pawns, our president and certain of our senators and congresspersons (the ones who, like him, are governed by their greed for the riches and power with which he rewards them) to institute a Fascist government because he knows that his desire cannot be realized, cannot possibly succeed, as long as men and women are free to speak out, to demonstrate, to vote!

Fascism, to be successful, must engender fear in the populace. That is why the evil man chose to change our country from a democracy to a fascist country. It is the tool he has chosen to utilize in his quest to take over the world, one country at a time. He knows that fear prevents men from speaking aloud, from acting according to their conscience, from saying "No!" as other men, women, and children are arrested, detained, tortured, and finally, killed. Fear keeps the populace paralyzed, immobile.

He is cunning, the evil man, and watchful. During the Sixties, when Americans were willing to fight for their rights, he sat back and plotted. When he saw that Americans had changed, that his programs to make them feel they were powerless to stop the evil they were starting to identify had succeeded, he put his plan into action.

His pawns, our president and those of our political leaders whose souls he owns, sit in place on his chessboard, ready to strike - at us! Success will be his, however, only as long as we, the opposing pawns, sit trembling, absolutely still and hardly breathing! When we pawns start fighting back, speaking out, removing his pawns from office, challenging his pawns when they take away our rights by passing laws that give the evil man total control over us, his coup will fail!

We have been programmed to feel powerless but, In fact, we are not powerless. When we realize that, the cunning and observant evil man and his pawns will head for the hills, their tails between their legs!

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